Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lew Grobe, Bennett Frensko, and Keith Spinali Awarded Fulbright Scholarships for Research and Teaching in Austria

Grobe and Frensko Also Awarded Fulbright Scholarships to Germany and May Do Both in Successive Years
Each year, CSB and SJU German majors and minors are selected for research projects and teaching positions in Austrian and German Gymnasien, or schools. Over the past 15 years 45 CSB/SJU students have participated in these prestigious programs following their graduation.
The Fulbright Program especially appreciates applicants who are interested in the study and use of German in their plans for the future, either in teaching or in other careers. For more information about how to apply before next year's February 1 deadline, see the Fulbright Webpage and Application Form.

Lew, Bennett, and Keith, we admire your global vision and wish you the best for the very rewarding year ahead!
