Sunday, August 25, 2013

Megan Boetcher Returns from 15-Month Adventure Abroad

Liebe Saint Ben's and Saint John's Freunde!
    As I set out for Switzerland in May, 2012, I did not realize I would be embarking on a 15 month, world-wide adventure.
I started by living in Germany and Switzerland for 8 months. This greatly benefited my German skills, especially conversationally. Even though I was nowhere near perfect, the locals still appreciated my efforts and helped me progress along the way. Sometimes, they seemed to assume my level of German was more advanced than in actuality, leaving me a bit lost at times. However, I found my niche, persevered and kept improving.
Unfortunately, my time in Germany came to a halt as I was headed to yet another exciting destination, Taiwan. Even though my time in Taiwan did not allow me to practice my German, which left me missing it, I still tend to think in German and haphazardly say the occasional word or phrase.
However, the more places I traveled and people I met, my love for venturing and living abroad flourished. If anyone is even entertaining the idea of living abroad, I recommend it whole-heartedly as I, too, plan on continuing my adventures in the near future.