Friday, April 20, 2012


A maginificent event brought to you by the German Club and the Sustainability Club.
This is a must-go event!
See you there!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

John Jacobs Awarded Fulbright Teaching Assistantship Near Linz, Austria

Dear CSB/SJU German Studies Students and Faculty,

Beginning in September I will be working in Kirchdorf an der Krems (Oberösterreich) about 45 minutes South of Linz. The town has just over one square mile large and has about 4,000 people. I have been assigned as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant at three schools:

Stammschule: Bundeshandelsakademie
2. Schule: Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe
3. Schule: Bundesrealgymnasium und Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium

Here are a few pictures of the little town:

After studying German at Saint John's, I am completing my B.A. in International Relations and minors in German, Environmental Studies, and History at the University of San Diego. I am currently applying to Master's programs in Sustainable Development throughout Germany and anticipate grad studies following my year spent teaching in Austria.

We are proud of you, John!

Sarah Spaulding Awarded DAAD Grant to Tour Northern Germany

In June, Sarah Spaulding will travel through Germany on a ten-day trip that is sponsored by a DAAD grant and organized by University of Minnesota.  The first stop is Jena, where the 12 students will spend four days visiting Friedrich-Schiller-Universität and Bauhaus-Universität as well as Zeiss and Schott, manufacturers of lenses and glass.  After visiting Jena, the group will travel by train to Berlin where they will tour Germany’s federal legislative body, the Bundestag.  After three days in Berlin, the journey will end with a trip to Hamburg where the group will visit Schwerin’s Castle (the seat of the Landestag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) and meet with the secretary of the energy commission to learn about environmental initiatives in Hamburg. 

Congratulations, Sarah!