Sunday, July 3, 2011

Teresa Walch to Volunteer at KZ Gedenkstaette Dachau

Dear German Studies Students and Faculty at CSB/SJU!

During my senior year of college, I was thining of ways to improve my spoken German even more after college and I came across the website of Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (, an organization founded in Germany in the 1950s to remember and atone, to what extent it can, for the crimes of Germany's Nazi past. It places volunteers in Germany and many partner countries, including the United States. Volunteers work at places such as human rights organizations, homes for Jewish elderly, and in Germany's case, at former concentration camps and memorial sites. I applied for the position in January, interviewed in February, and in March, I was notified that I was accepted and placed at the KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau ( and will work with a team at the Evangelische Versöhnungskirche ( on site. I will help lead tours through the camp, work in the archives, and help with a touring exhibit called "Namen Statt Nummern." In addition, I will help to organize the annual international youth gathering that takes place at Dachau. I think the mission of ASF and the work it conducts is outstanding, and I am very excited to contribute. 

Greetings to all. 
Maybe I will see you in Germany!

Teresa Walch