Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Adventszeit: German Club Creates Gifts for Friends and Family

Last Sunday, the CSB/SJU German Club hosted the annual gingerbread house night in the McKeown Center. An estimated 20 people attended, and students were able to build their own gingerbread houses using homemade Lebkuchen (gingerbread). Paula Doebel, a local supplied the gingerbread and other necessary supplies, as she has in the past. Students engaged in a friendly atmosphere while building their houses and listening to Christmas music.  Everyone enjoyed being able to take a short study break to de-stress before diving into finals week. The event began at 7:15pm and most students stayed until around 8:30 when they had finished building their houses. After the event, students were able to take their completed houses home with them. The event was an overall success and we continuing this German tradition here at CSB/SJU.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oktoberfest 2014 a Great Success

The German Club was proud to host our fifth annual Oktoberfest in Bro. Willie’s Pub on Saturday, Oct. 18th. As in past years, the event included music, dancing, good food and drink, and games with prizes. Campus DJs did a great job of DJing the event, playing a combination of popular German and Austrian songs, electronic music, and even a small amount of Polka to get people dancing. Food served included hot Brezen and Würstl. Beer was served upstairs, including Paulaner Weißbier, the world-famous wheat beer brewed in Munich. Games included Steinheben, a game where contestants attempt to hold a liter of water with an outstretched arm for as long as possible, a costume contest with prizes for the best dressed Mädel and Bursche, and a guessing game where contestants had to estimate the number of gummy bears in a liter Stein. We had an estimated 200 people attend, and it was all in all a great event!
     Congratulations, German Club Members, on organizing such a fine event.

Students on the Salzburg Semester Program Experience Great Roommates, Travel.

The ten students in the 2014 Salzburg group are settled into their dorm rooms and most have met their roommates (from France, Greece, Pakistan, Kosovo). They sailed through two weeks of intensive German classes and orientation activities, and have been on the regular course schedule since mid-September taking art history, philosophy, the study abroad seminar--and German, natürlich! They’ve also mastered the art of riding city buses, traveling by train, shopping at the beautifully renovated Merkur, cooking pumpkin soup and Putenschnitzel, and wearing Dirndl and Lederhosen. We saw Mozart’s Zauberflaute in the Marionettentheater and were given a tour of the Hohensalzburg Festung (fortress) by a guide who had a key to all the locked doors! Moreover, the group is healthy, arrives on time, and remains cheerful and flexible, even during those early days of unrelenting rain. Ausgezeichnet!
          We visited the most beautiful example of Austrian Baroque at the Melk monastery, stood before the grave of miraculous Saint Walburga in the Eichstätt convent, walked the streets of Eichstätt to see Germany’s largest collection of Baroque buildings, ate dinner in an old castle, marveled at the immensity of Nürnberg’s Altstadt, learned about the Third Reich at the new Documentaton Center at the former NSDAP party rally grounds, and saw the lovely library and monastery church in Metten. And these are just the highlights! The students are soaking up knowledge like sponges, making comparisons, integrating knowledge and experience, and asking probing questions. We’re hoping for more of the same as we finish this first month and look forward to the second.
                Best wishes to all from this very special place, Salzburg group 2014
Contributed by director, Anna Lisa Ohm.

Austin Eighan ('14) Receives International Parliament Scholarship

Austin has been selected to receive a scholarship from the German Federal Parliament to participate in their five-month long International Parliament Scholarship (IPS) starting in March 2015. The participants selected from around the world gather to pursue their political, historical, economic, social and cultural research alongside practical work with members of the German government and attend lectures at Berlin universities. The IPS will give Austin an opportunity to pursue further his research begun for his Honors thesis on the success of middle-size corporations in Germany and supportive policies of the German government as well as social attitudes. Over 100 young students from around the world are chosen for this special program which, since it was founded in 1986, has become more theoretical and more  international in scope.

Congratulations, Austin -- a scholarship well deserved!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rebecca Bilbro Returns from a Year in Eichstätt, Our Program Abroad for German Majors and Minors

   My year abroad in Eichstätt was one of the best experiences of my life. It was definitely different than spending time at CSB/SJU, but I loved it. The most surprising thing about my first week in Eichstätt was how accessible everything was. In Minnesota, you need a car to get around, but in Eichstätt, you can walk almost everywhere in a short amount of time. What you can't walk to is easily reached by one of the many reasonably priced buses. I was also surprised at the amount of cafes and grocery stores within walking distance. Eichstätt is a small town, but I could easily walk to at least five grocery stores and countless cafes and bakeries.
   I was lucky enough to live right next to the Marktplatz, so it was a quick walk to the bakeries and some of the shops. It was a 10 minute walk to the university and about 15 minutes to the main library, but it was a pleasant walk when the weather was nice. I shared my apartment with another international student, but I had my own bedroom. The apartment was a bit small, but it worked for us. Our kitchen didn't have an oven, but there were shared kitchens with ovens on the main floor. Overall, the living situation was quite nice.
    When the semester started, I took lots of German classes. I could have taken classes in English, but I chose to take all of them in German. There were a lot of courses that were specifically for international students, so my teachers were all understanding to the needs of non-native German speakers. I took German literature classes, a class to help with proper German pronunciation, classes to help with reading and comprehension, and even a theater class! Each class was once a week, so I had a lot of free time to work on homework, meet with friends, and enjoy the town. Since my classes were meant to help improve my German, I don't think they were as strenuous as most classes at the university were. I did get homework, but it didn't seem to be as much as what I'd get at CSB/SJU. I can't really compare the classes, though, since I've never taken classes at CSB/SJU that were meant for students who don't speak English as a first language.
   The most helpful person in Eichstätt was the woman in the international office. I did get paired up with a student who had been studying in Eichstätt for years, and while he was helpful, the woman in the international office was able to answer all of my questions about classes, forms to fill out, and more. If you're planning on spending time at the university in Eichstätt, be sure to take advantage of the help the international office offers. They provide quick and helpful answers to any question you may have. You should also take advantage of the activities and excursions put on by AK International (a student-run group for international students). I was able to travel to many places for incredibly low prices: I even got to go to Salzburg for the day for only 10€!
    During my time in Eichstätt, I was able to learn and experience so much. It would be difficult to choose just one good memory out of all of them, but I will never forget spending afternoons in my favorite cafe in the Marktplatz, drinking coffee and talking to new friends.
    Welcome home, Rebecca!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

CSB/SJU Grad Leo Riegert Receives Tenure in the German Department at Kenyon College

Professor Riegert joined the Kenyon College community in 2008. He enjoys teaching German language, literature and culture at all levels, and has taught advanced courses with topics such as Love and Madness in German Literature, the representation of the Holocaust, the history of German film, and German women writers.  Congratulations, Leo!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Grant Christian berichtet begeistert aus Deutschland

Grüß Gott!  Ich schreibe von Bad Reichenhall, Deutschland. Diese Woche ist meine dritte und letzte Woche hier. Schade! Ich habe viel Spaß gehabt, und eine andere Perspektiv der deutschen Kultur gelernt. Ich wohne in der Kaserne mit elf anderen Kadetten aus den ganzen USA. Unsere Gruppe arbeitet und trainiert mit der Bundeswehr. Am meistens lehren sie uns, weil sie hochqualifiziert sind, und wir sind erst Studenten. Wir haben so viel gemacht. Klettern, abseilen, MG3 u. G36 (schau im Internet an!) schießen, Pferd reiten, schwimmen, und viel Sport. Und natürlich sprechen und lachen wir viel mit den Soldaten. 

            Die Soldaten sind sehr nett, freundlich, und nicht so anders als wir. Ihr Grund fuers Eintreten ist gleich wie die amerikanische Soldaten. Die haben viel Nationalstolz und wollen ihrem Land dienen. Leider sind die Soldaten nicht so geliebt wie in Amerika. Die Soldaten sagen “es gibt die Erde, dann gibt’s uns.” Aber die sind alle so unglaublich glücklich. Sie mögen wirklich, was sie machen. Der Bundeswehr wird weniger und weniger Soldaten in der Zukunft haben. Das bedeutet, dass jeder Soldat wirklich dienen will. Ich denke, das ist wunderbar. Ich erinnere mich an unsere Konversation über Leute, die für den falschen Grund eintreten. 

Jedenfalls, sollen wir “up-catchen!” wenn ich zurück bin. Ich fliege nach Amerika nächste Mittwoch. Bis dann! 

Liebe Grüße, 

Grant Christian

Saturday, July 5, 2014

SJU grad George Maurer performs with his jazz group in Berlin

George Maurer (left) performed in front of enthusiastic crowds in Berlin in May 2014. In his repertoire were original compositions based on the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke which he studied during his student years at CSB/SJU.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

SJU Grad Chris Bates Highlighted in Wirtschafts-News in Frankfurt


Uber in Frankfurt

Kluge App – hartes Los für Taxifahrer

11. Juni 2014    Die Taxibranche wehrt sich gegen eine neue, mächtige Konkurrenz: Uber heißt das amerikanische Start-up-Unternehmen, das es jedermann erlaubt, Fahrgäste zu befördern. Ein Besuch beim Frankfurter Manager.
Christopher Reed Bates, General Manager von Uber in Frankfurt, beißt in sein Sandwich. Er trägt ein weißes Cappy mit schwarzer Schrift. "Uber" steht darauf. Sein blaues Hemd und das helle Sakko machen ihn sehr hip. Ein amerikanischer Jungunternehmer wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Reed Bates strahlt und sagt: "Bei Uber zu arbeiten, das ist ein Traumjob. Ich liebe Frankfurt. Eine super Stadt - und eine super Firma. Bei uns gibt es Everyone's Private Driver." So redet er. Die Firma Uber hat grade in den vergangenen Tagen Schlagzeilen gemacht. Letzte Woche sammelte das Start-up 1,2 Milliarden Dollar an Kapital ein. Dazu kommen Berichte über Taxiunternehmen, die sich wehren, am heutigen Mittwoch sind in vielen europäischen Metropolen Sternfahrten geplant, die den regulären Taxibetrieb beeinträchtigen.

Gegründet wurde die Firma 2009 in San Francisco. Die Idee: Eine App bringt Fahrer und Fahrgast zusammen. Das Internetunternehmen bekommt 20 Prozent des Fahrpreises, der Fahrer behält den Rest. Wählen kann man zwischen privaten und professionellen Fahrern. In 70 Städten in 36 Ländern hat sich das Unternehmen schon ausgedehnt. Aber wie geht das überhaupt ohne Taxilizenz? Wer sind die Fahrer, die einerseits nicht professionell fahren, andererseits aber genug Zeit haben, um Fremde nebenbei zu chauffieren? Was wird aus den konventionellen Taxifahrern?

Seit etwa zwei Wochen wird auch in Frankfurt mit Uber gefahren. Die Taxi-Innung Hessen betrachtet die Konkurrenz äußerst kritisch. In Berlin wurde laut dem Tagesspiegel per Eilverfahren ein Verbot der Chauffeur-App erwirkt. Der Kläger, ein Taxiunternehmer, setzt die Vollstreckung aber nicht durch, denn es könnten andere Urteile zugunsten von Uber mit hohen Schadensersatzforderungen folgen.

Auch in Paris, Brüssel und den USA begehrten konventionelle Taxifahrer auf. Uber fährt aber weiter und tilgt Kritik mit einem - sehr amerikanischen - Lächeln. Wie erfolgreich Uber in Frankfurt bislang ist, lässt sich schwer sagen, denn Reed Bates lässt sich nicht in die Karten schauen. Wie viele Fahrer es in der Stadt gibt, will er nicht verraten: "Es läuft super, es werden jeden Tag mehr Fahrer und wir bekommen mehr Kunden."

"Bei Uber Pop fahren Privatleute andere Privatleute. Die haben keine Genehmigung. Das ist illegal", sagt dagegen Thomas Schmidt, Geschäftsführer einer Frankfurter Taxizentrale und Vorstandsmitglied des Landesverbandes Hessen für das Personenbeförderungsgewerbe. "Es muss etwas unternommen werden. Was, das entscheiden die Rechtswege. Eigentlich ist das Bundessache und der Gesetzgeber ist gefordert, die Normen einzuhalten." Probleme mit solchen Gesetzeslagen hat Uber übrigens nicht nur in Europa, sondern auch in seinem Heimatland, den USA:

Reed Bates sagt dazu: "Pop ist nicht illegal. Unsere Fahrer fahren in ihrer Freizeit, es ist nicht ihr Beruf." Sicherheit sei sehr wichtig. Wer fährt, müsse verschiedene Dokumente vorweisen: Führerschein, Haftpflichtversicherung, polizeiliches Führungszeugnis, TÜV und seinen Punktestand in Flensburg.

"Wir von Uber schauen uns jedes Auto dazu persönlich an und geben den Fahrern ein Training für ihre Kommunikation mit Kunden. Die Fahrer werden dabei auch in der Benutzung der App geschult", sagt der 31-Jährige aus Minnesota. "Mir ist außerdem wichtig, mit jedem unserer Fahrer in Frankfurt einen Handshake zu machen." Weiter werde die Sicherheit durch die Kunden selbst gewährleistet: "Nach jeder Fahrt muss der Fahrgast eine Bewertung abgeben." Bei schlechten Referenzen müsse der Fahrer Konsequenzen in Kauf nehmen - bis zur Herausnahme aus dem System. Übrigens: Auch die Fahrgäste werden bewertet.

Taxifahrer empfänden Uber als große Bedrohung, sagt Schmidt: "Das ist wie bei den Bäckern oder Metzgern. Wenn jeder nur noch im Discounter seine Brötchen und Würstchen kauft, wird es langfristig keine Bäckereien und Metzgereien mehr geben. Im Übrigen ist Uber manchmal sogar teurer als Taxifahren."

Zwei Arten des Fahrens bietet Uber an: Bei Uber Pop gibt es nur private Fahrer, die nicht hauptberuflich arbeiten. "Du könntest Popfahrer werden, ich könnte Popfahrer werden, ein Banker könnte Popfahrer werden", sagt Reed Bates. Ob der Preis dabei günstiger als beim konventionellen Taxifahren ist, kann oder will er nicht sagen: "Es kommt auf die Fahrtzeit und die Kilometer an." Den Fahrern ginge es nicht nur um das Geld, sondern darum, neue Leute kennenzulernen: "Man unterhält sich mit Menschen, mit denen man sonst vielleicht nicht sprechen würde. Das macht Spaß. Die Pop-Fahrer machen das aus Spaß, in ihrer Freizeit, als Nebenjob."

Teurer als Pop ist Uber Black. Hier handelt es sich um professionelle Fahrer mit Personenbeförderungsscheinen, Reed Bates nennt sie "Limousinenfahrer". Claudio ist ein solcher "Black Driver". Er öffnet Fahrgästen die Tür und deutet beim Abschied einen Handkuss an. "Danke, dass Sie mit Uber gefahren sind", sagt er dabei. In seinem Volkswagen Pheaton steht Wasser für den Fahrgast bereit, die Ledersitze sind komfortabel und die Kommunikation mit Claudio ist angenehm. Er wirkt äußerst eloquent und spricht mit Reed Bates in fehlerfreiem Englisch.

Die Fahrt mit Claudio geht an der Alten Oper vorbei, die Eschersheimer Landstraße entlang, über den Reuterweg zur Ludwigstraße. Die 3,58 Kilometer fährt er in 12 Minuten. Der Preis: 13 Euro. "Für meine Fahrgäste ist der Preis eher sekundär. Es geht um den Service und einen besonders netten Fahrer", sagt Claudio. "Ich habe heute Morgen schon drei Personen über die Uber-App gefahren. Zwei Banker und jemanden aus der IT-Branche, der bis nach Darmstadt wollte." Für die gleiche Strecke würde ein konventioneller Taxifahrer zwischen 8,70 und 9,60 Euro am Tag verlangen, sagt Schmidt.

Erkennen kann der Kunde seinen Fahrer via App: Auf dem Handy wird ihm ein Foto des Chauffeurs angezeigt, dazu die Art des Wagens und das Kennzeichen. Auf der Straße sucht der Kunde seinen Fahrer dann anhand dieser Daten. Die Bezahlung erfolgt mit Kreditkarte oder per Paypal und die Fahrtkosten werden von Uber abgebucht. Die Rechnung kommt per E-Mail. Schmidt vom Taxiverband befürchtet, dass Uber dabei mehr abbuchen könnte als der Kunde vermutet.

Reed Bates trinkt gelassen einen Schluck Cappuccino und sagt dazu: "Das stimmt überhaupt nicht. Wir hätten nicht so groß werden können, wenn wir willkürlich abbuchen würden. Bei Problemen mit der Rechnung können uns Kunden eine Nachricht schicken und wir kümmern uns darum."

Ausschließlich lässt sich Uber in Frankfurt nur per E-Mail erreichen. Darauf wird zwar auffällig schnell reagiert, aber das Fehlen von telefonischer Erreichbarkeit fällt auf. "Wir sind eine Technologie.Firma und haben deshalb keine Telefonnummer, sondern nur E-Mail", sagt Reed Bates.
Lisa Stein 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Jess Raboin Recieves Prestigious Scholarship and Internship for a Summer in Munich

Most recent (6-2-2014):    

I just wanted to let you know that today I started my internship at the German federal employment agency (http://www.arbeitsagentur.de/) and it went great! I was welcomed very kindly by my new supervisor and his staff, who were all very excited to have an American intern around. J For the next two weeks, I will be in the “heart” of the Agentur für Arbeit (federal employment agency), which is the entrance and case management area. In this area, people first come in and talk to the lady I work with and myself. The customers—as they are called—are very diverse in age, ethnicity, and psychological wellness…as you can imagine. In the afternoon, I help out at the “Career Information Center,” where there is info about careers, jobs, degrees, etc. On Wednesday I am going to help with a class about applying for jobs in Germany…I will be learning while I work. J I will be in each department for 2 weeks, but spending the most time in the career counseling office. I have lots of new vocabulary to learn, but it actually wasn’t too bad today with the language. It’s just the German labor law that I don’t know well, and I will need to learn in the next couple of weeks quickly. I enjoyed my first day and can’t wait to go back tomorrow! The internship is such a beautiful mix of my sociology and German studies, previous work experiences, and career interests…I couldn’t have found a better fit! Thank you so much for all of your support over the past two years, I wouldn’t be where I’m at now without your personal guidance and teaching excellence.


Latest News:  I have arrived in Germany and will be starting my internship at the Agentur fuer Arbeit on Monday! It goes until the end of July. The visa process (to get the Aufenthaltstitel) has been long and is still going on. It has been a lot more work than what I thought. If anyone else decides to do an internship abroad, please give them my email because there are things I wish I would’ve known from the start. Anyway, I actually found another internship just for the month of August at a Sprachschule here in the town where I live.

 Jessica wrote earlier:  I received a university summer course scholarship from the Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst for summer 2014. The scholarship covers the cost of airfare and the university language course, which I will be taking at LMU in Munich, Germany. Additionally, I will be interning at the Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Freising, Germany (near Munich) in June and July. I feel blessed to have been given both opportunities. I look forward to improving my German and learning as much as I can about the Bundesagentur für Arbeit  (Germany's Federal Employment Agency).

It’s a dream summer!      Fellow students -- here is the LINK for this program --   https://www.daad.org/summercourse  -- do it!

Congratulations, Jess!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Teaching Assistantships in Austria (January Deadline)

US Teaching Assistantships                      
                            Fulbright Austrian-American Educational Commission

Program Objective

The Austrian-American Educational Commission, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture (Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur), offers a U.S. teaching assistantship for one academic year in secondary schools all around Austria. Selected participants will have a rewarding opportunity to not only gain teaching and classroom experience, but also serve as a linguistic and cultural ambassador for the United States.

Applicant Qualifications

Applicants must be U.S. Citizens, have completed (or in the process of completing during application period) a bachelor’s degree. Ideally applicants are interested in public education or public service. Those with documented interest in the German language as well as German and/or Austrian studies are particularly encouraged to apply. A working knowledge of German is required and necessary to facilitate on-site orientation and work.

Program Placement

The Austrian Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture works in a partnership with provincial school boards to place approximately 130 U.S. teaching assistants at schools in all nine Austrian provinces. Applicants may request a city or region to which they wish to be assigned. However, the number of positions available in larger metropolitan areas, such as Vienna, Salzburg, Graz, and Innsbruck, is limited. Therefore, applicants also should be prepared to accept teaching positions in smaller, more rural communities. Flexibility of placement in prospects enhances applications.

Duration of Teaching Assistantship

Participants are employed from October 1 – May 31 of the academic school year. Selected teaching assistants are required to attend an orientation seminar before beginning their assignments. U.S. teaching assistants with a superior record of performance may apply to have their assistantships extended for a second year.

Work and Stipend of the Teaching Assistants

Participants typically have a 13 hour work week, divided between two schools, under the supervision of an assigned teaching superior to keep track of their overall performance and trouble shoot, if need be. The stipend is ca. € 1,367 per month for eight months, from which deductions are made for health and accident insurance (full coverage under the Austrian plans) and income tax. This results in a net income of approximately € 1,100 per month. No additional support for travel to Austria or for dependents is provided.

Application Process

Graduating seniors may apply, provided they have their degrees before assuming the positions. Complete applications are due January 15, 2014 for the following school year. For further information on the program, application materials, and advice on application procedures, consult the Commission’s website:           http://www.usta-austria.at

Research Grants for Grad Research and Study in Austria -- with or without TA Position (October Deadline)

The Fulbright Commission in Austria offers up to 20 Fulbright student grants for recent U.S. undergraduates and graduate students for research and study in Austria.

Types of Research and Study Grants

-          2 grants to facilitate full-time research or study
-          4 Fulbright-Mach Awards for Doctoral Candidates, for full-time research
-          1 Fulbright-IFK Junior Fellow award (for PhD students in cultural studies)
-          1 award to study at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna
-          12 part-time study and research grants combined with English teaching assistantships (13 hours per week) at secondary schools in university cities

Students interested in the IFK and the Diplomatic Academy awards should apply through the regular competition for Austria and note their interest in the specific awards in their application. http://www.fulbright.at/fulbright-for-us-citizens/us-students/us-students-ifk.html 

Language Proficiency
Intermediate to advanced proficiency in spoken and written German is essential for all fields, including music and fine arts. As a rule, university courses are taught in German, although individual courses in specific fields may be offered in English. University admission requires demonstrated proficiency in German. Language study is available at most institutions and, depending on the level of proficiency, required by some.

Duration of Study
9 months, beginning with a late-September orientation in Vienna.

Candidate Profile
Traditional candidates for the full-time research or study awards include graduate-level students and Ph.D. candidates; musicians enrolled in performance programs; selected students in the natural sciences and/or engineering, whose projects may require extensive lab time; or selected volunteer and service projects.
Bachelor's level candidates may apply for full-time research and study grants but should note that the competition for full-time research and study awards is substantial every year. Therefore, they are advised to apply for study grants combined with English teaching assistantships. It is important for applicants to note that recipients of grants combined with teaching assistantships can only pursue studies on a part-time basis due to the time teaching commitments demand. Individuals who have applied for, but are not selected for, full-time research grants, may, at the discretion of the Fulbright Commission in Austria, alternatively be considered for grants combined with a teaching assistantship.
**Medicine and Veterinary Medicine are not recommended fields of study for this program**

All grantees, including Ph.D. candidates, must be fully matriculated at accredited public universities in Austria to facilitate tuition remission, insurance, use of libraries and archives, etc. The AAEC facilitates university enrollment at the applicant's preferred university and provides for the waiver of tuition fees. Grants are not available for enrollment at private institutions of higher education or other programs of advanced study in Austria that do not waive tuition fees. Applicants should identify the individuals and institutions that will provide on-site support and guidance for projects and include letters of invitation, if possible. Invitations are absolutely necessary for full-time research and study awards, and should indicate how candidates will be anchored at the institutions. They are desired but not required for candidates of awards combined with an English language teaching assistantship.

Music and Fine Arts
Admission procedures at Austrian institutions of music and the arts vary on a case-by-case basis. Universities of music and the arts require auditions and/or entrance examinations, along with submission of a portfolio. Instruction frequently is still based on "master classes": professors who select and train students for an extended period. Therefore, applicants are required to have established contact with Austrian music and/or art professors before applying for a grant and must solicit invitations to study with them. Applicants should inquire about admission and audition requirements and dates well in advance. Candidates may be required to travel to Austria at their own expense to audition (as early as June), and the AAEC makes grants for musicians contingent upon university acceptance. The AAEC does not accept applications from music and art students who wish to study with private teachers or at private institutions or conservatories that do not waive tuition fees. Grants are awarded only after formal acceptance by a university of music or the arts.
Science and Technology
Before applying, candidates should correspond with preferred institutions about availability of equipment and facilities and solicit letters of invitation.

Application Process

An annual grant competition is managed by the Institute of International Education (with an application deadline in October) which prescreens applications. The link to the online application is above. The files of semi-finalists are forwarded to the Austrian-American Educational Commission in Vienna, and a binational committee selects finalists, who are notified about the status of their applications in March/April.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Austrian Jakob Illek Joins German Studies Program as Fulbright Teaching Assistant

Jakob writes:  I honestly can’t think of any greater opportunity to have than becoming a Teaching
Assistant at a college in the United States. The thought of actually spending a whole year abroad and getting to meet new people, completely immersing myself into a new culture and simply having the time of my life makes me feel contented.  There are several reasons as to why I would love to get an opportunity like this. One of the most obvious ones is that I just love being among people from other countries. I am a very outgoing person and I enjoy talking to people from other countries, cultures, ethnicities or religions. The main reason for these characteristics of mine is the Scout Movement. I joined the Scouts when I was seven years old and nothing in my life has taught me as many values and influenced me as much as the Scouts have. I’m really fortunate that I had the possibility to go to a World Scout Jamboree in 2007 in Chelmsford, England as a participant and in 2011 in Kristianstad, Sweden as a member of the International Service Team.

Jamborees are huge gatherings of up to 40 000 Scouts from all over the world. I had the pleasure to meet people from every corner of the world and I am very happy that I can call every single person I met there a friend. These experiences also boosted my interest in the English language a lot and in 2012 I applied and got accepted as one of 10 students for a course offered by my University called “English at primary schools on their way to a bilingual class”. This course has taught me many important and interesting methods on how to teach a foreign language to children. I think this can also be applied to older students. As far as teaching goes I generally have an advantage since I have been teaching in classrooms once a week for the last two years now as part of my practical studies at the University for Teacher Education. The feedback I've received so far has always been very positive and teaching consultants keep on telling me, how authentic I am in front of class and that teaching comes naturally to me. Being an aspiring primary school teacher demands a lot of creativity, patience and imagination. These traits also definitely come in handy when teaching college students a foreign language.

                                                           Welcome, Jakob!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Alex Van Loh Awarded Teaching Fulbright in Germany

Ich schätze mich glücklich und ich bin sehr begeistert! Ich habe heute gehört, dass ich in Thüringen sein werde. Ich weiß noch nicht welche Stadt.  After having studied abroad in Austria, I wanted to expand my knowledge of Germanic culture by experiencing life in Germany. Living, teaching, and learning in Germany will broaden my cultural consciousness and give me more tools for communicating in the future. Studying a foreign language is a type of academic work distinct from all others. It is stimulating to uncover a subject that is so clearly and directly applicable to life. It overcomes communication barriers, allows for new forms of self- expression, and makes one more aware of the subtleties of one’s own language. To be able to cultivate these ideas in students across the world is an extraordinary opportunity that I feel very fortunate to have been given.

Dan Schmit Awarded Research and Teaching Fulbright Fellowship in Linz, Austria

Senior Dan Schmit was notified this past week that he had received a 9 month Fulbright Scholarship to Austria for the 2014-2015 academic year.  He will be studying Mechatronics at the Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz. In addition to his studies, He will be working part time as an English Teaching Assistant. Dan says, "I am looking forward to the opportunity to study, teach, and experience life in Linz."   Congratulations Dan!  We are proud of you.     

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Joe Berns Recieves Fulbright Award to Teach in Baden-Württemburg in Germany

Joe writes:  I have been placed as an English Teaching Assistant in a school within the German state of Baden-Württemberg, which borders on both Switzerland and France.  In addition to gaining classroom experience, I will work to bring my German language skills from "literate" to "fluent." As a musician, I would like to make music a primary focus of my time there. I plan to play with a community orchestra, take lessons, and collect and transcribe as much local folk music as I can. I have also previously made contact with distant relatives from the area, and plan I to return to my great-grandfather’s hometown for another visit.  Also, thanks for all your help and support on this! 
                                                                                                                     Liebe Grüße,  -Joe

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Joe Miller Receives a Teaching Assistantship in Baden near Vienna

I have been placed at Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule BHAK BHAS, which is in Baden bei Wien, a 20-minute train ride south of Vienna. I am very excited to start my post-college career in such a wonderfully new environment. I hope to improve my German as well as learn the lovely Austrian dialect, and maybe come out of the whole experience fluent in the language. Apart from the immediate experiences, this opportunity will make way for my future. I hope to become a German professor, much like the ones who have influenced me during my educational career. This teaching assistantship will give me a look in to what my life might look like in the future, if I continue my journey down the path of academia. Hopefully all of these experiences will influence me to find out my true character and what I want to pursue in my future.

This teaching assistantship program is co-sponsored by the Austrian Educational Commission and the Fulbright Commission of Austria.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Grant Christian (CSBSJU '16) Receives Military-Cultural Internship in Germany

Dear Students, Faculty and Friends, 

This summer I will be part of the CULP Mission Training Internship in Germany.  CULP is an acronym that stands for Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency. It is a merit-based program available to all ROTC cadets in the nation. The purpose of this mission is to develop relations with foreign nations, broaden insights about foreign militaries and learn how they operate in comparison to the United States military as well as give the cadets a chance to practice their language in a professional setting.  From June 8th to July 8th this summer I will be working alongside and collaborating with the German Armed Forces, specifically with a young officer of similar rank, on various training missions and situation exercises in order to have a greater understanding and awareness of how the United States Military operates in relation to the rest of the world. I will be part of an American team consisting of other cadets from school all across the nation who were also awarded this trip. Transportation, meals, and housing expenses are all covered as a part of the program. The mission lasts approximately one month. This is a wonderful experience to practice your language and experience the culture in a very unique way that you would otherwise not have the opportunity to as a traveler/tourist.

To apply for this program you must be part of the ROTC program and you can talk to your cadre leader about it, they will have all the necessary information. Additionally, there are missions all around the world tailored to your specific language skillset. There are also English teaching programs in more under developed countries for those that do not have a second language. Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity! 

Grant Christian

Sunday, April 6, 2014

German Studies Seniors Present on Campus-Wide Scholarship and Creativity Day

On Thursday April 24, hundreds of CSB/SJU students gave major presentations on their senior projects.  The following gave their presentations in German:    

Deutschlands Kulturerbe: The Resiliency of the German Economy  (Honors Thesis Presentation) 
Austin J Eighan
Lisa Ohm, Advisor
This project aims at identifying the key components of Germany’s Kulturerbe, a type of cultural heritage that strengthens its ability to overcome economic crises. I examine how the political and economic measures that Germany uses to overcome financial crises and sustain economic growth result organically from the socio-cultural aspects of German society that help mold a national identity centered on balancing prosperity with social equality. The Kulturerbe is a socio-historical factor encompassing such elements as work ethic and frugality bred from adversity. Germany’s fundamental preparation for a sustainable plan for economic stability began with the nation’s unification over 140 years ago. Through my research, I uncover some of the major causes, outcomes, and methods used to shape the German economy from its unification until today and the role the Kulturerbe plays. The ultimate goal of my research is to determine the building blocks of a successful economy. By examining why an economy like Germany’s seems better suited to withstand crises than others, I conclude with a recommendation as to whether the German model is one from which struggling or developing markets can learn and upon which they can base future social, political, and economic policies.

The CSB/SJU All-Sky Camera
Daniel T Schmit
Environmental Studies, Physics
Wendy Sterba, Advisor

This project discusses the “Fireball” network of All-Sky cameras in Germany and their effective use in meteorite triangulation and compares it to current research involving the CSB/SJU All-Sky camera. Recent physics research at CSB/SJU has developed a method to calculate the altitude of meteorites observed over SJU. Traditionally meteorite triangulation has involved 3 or more observations. Because a network of cameras in Minnesota is not yet fully developed; it has been necessary to develop a 2 observer method of meteorite triangulation using the CSB/SJU and Morris All-Sky cameras. This paper presents this method and the development of the IDL computer program which uses this triangulation method to calculate the altitude of observed meteorites, along with an analysis of Germany’s Fireball network as a potential example for a future network of cameras in Minnesota that would more accurately and effectively track meteorite flight paths.

Per J Lundmark
Environmental Studies, Sustainability

Wendy Sterba, Advisor

In my time at St. John’s, my German major has provided balance to what would have been a totally science based curriculum. By combining the ideas of contemporary environmentalism and German texts from both ancient and modern sources, I have truly engaged the liberal arts. This presentation concerns my senior project, a portfolio combining a series of essays from my experiences in the CSB/ SJU German department which illustrate my development not only in the German language, but also the personal exploration of my major. Influences of CSB/ SJU will also be explored, in terms of, for example, the peculiar dualities of the culture that have frustrated me as well as taught me the importance of the omnipresent Benedictine Values. Finally my fascination with the German Romantic Movement has motivated me to look at my life, as well as the contemporary environmental movement, with a new perspective. My works from my German career are collected and will be accompanied by narration in order for all to share in the self-exploration and development.

Five Analyses of Goethe’s “Mignon”
Joseph W Miller
Andreas Kiryakakis and Mark Thamert, Adivsors

In my presentation I will be looking at five different analyses on the poem Mignon by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The analyses range from the psychoanalytical, the mythological, and the practical. I will then add my own analysis of the poem and justify my reasoning with the help of the analyses and my own interpretation. I hope by the end of the paper, those who do not have knowledge of this work will have a better understanding of it, know more about the context of the poem, and why scholars believe this poem to be relevant in German literature.

Friday, March 21, 2014

German and French Club Students Take in the Guthrie's Tristan and Yyseult

The CSB/SJU French and German clubs combined their efforts to organize a trip to the nationally famous Guthrie theater on Friday evening, March 21, 2014 to see a modern adaptation of the medieval love story of Tristan and Yseult.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Austria Program Participant Jenna Maus Wins Photo Award

    The title of this photo is "Full Circle." this is how Jenna describes her experience in Austria:  On our last day in Salzburg a small group of us decided to climb one of the surrounding mountains. It seemed fitting since it is the same thing the whole group did our first weekend in Salzburg. It was a bittersweet hike, as we reminisced about the difficult hike our first weekend, and how much closer we had grown as a group since then. As we took in the view of Salzburg one last time, I felt a sense of completeness, and for the first time, realized it truly is the journey that matters and not the end.
     Jenna's photo was chosen as second place winner from among dozens of submissions from study abroad members.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Martin Spendlhofer, Fulbright TA from Austria, Gives His Impressions

It has now been almost half a year since I got to CSB/SJU. Wow. Time really flies. To make you understand more what my life here is like, I would like to describe five things that I enjoy(ed).
    Every semester, there is something called the 24 hour play festival at CSB/SJU. A group of incredibly talented students get together and write, direct, rehearse and perform a total of 8 plays play in 24 hours. In January, I got to write an 8 minute play and then act in it as well. Even though I was on about an hour of sleep and there was more blood in my caffeine than caffeine in my blood, I enjoyed every second of it and it was a total blast. Teaching theater in Austria, I could gather some valuable experiences as well.

One of my German club related highlights last semester was Oktoberfest. We served authentic pretzels, danced the polka and had a gummy-bear guessing game. We put a lot of work and effort into it and I think it paid off well. For advertising it we had a great flash mob with traditional Austrian music at the Gorecki dining center and we also handed out hot cider at the bus stop. All in all, I enjoyed working together with an ambitious team of German club officers.

Another highlight was definitely winter break. I left freezing Minnesota mid-December and traveled for about a month. After a fantastic Fulbright Conference in DC where I got to meet all of the other Fulbright teaching assistants, I went to Hawaii, San Francisco, drove up to Vancouver, then met up with some fellow Fulbrights again in New Orleans and ended winter break with a road trip to Boston. I met amazing people, saw different landscapes, cities, cultures, weather, you name it.
Related to this is the establishment of an unofficial cooking club. Every Sunday, some friends from German club and I get together and cook something. The menu is usually very international -- we’ve had Japanese Maki or Gumbo from New Orleans for example. It is a lot of fun recreating various recipes and getting a taste of different countries and cultures. While cooking, we also share stories about our trips all over the world.

Finally, I would like to talk about how teaching German and studying at CSB/SJU helps me professionalize my teaching skills. I am a teaching assistant for two German courses and I enjoy working with the students as well as with the German professors. This semester, I am taking two classes on ESL and last semester, I took a class on how to teach theater to children and a “Public Speaking for Teachers” seminar. It feels like those are the classes that I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time. What I appreciate most about them is that they are hands-on. Furthermore, the professors are very knowledgeable and have great insights into pedagogical theory. 

The only thing that I will never adapt to is the temperature here in Minnesota. I have to say that I was relieved that when there had been a low of 30 degrees below zero, I had been sitting in a cozy hotel room in New Orleans and hoping for it to pass before I got back.

All in all, I am having a good Fulbright experience here at CSB/SJU, teaching and learning, cooking and eating, performing and watching and freezing and getting warmed up again. I would like to end with a quote from Mark Twain, summing up what I've learned so far, encouraging everybody to set out on a journey and outlining the benefits:

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

47 CSB/SJU Students Declare German Studies as Their Minor or Major

In addition to German Studies, our German Studies minors or majors are currently majoring or minoring in these fields: Accounting, Geography, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, Global Business Leadership, Hispanic Studies, History, Mathematics, Music, Peace Studies, Pre-Enginneering, Philosophy, Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Political Science, Pre-Physical Therapy, Secondary Education, Sociology, Theater, and Theology. German Studies is a great cultural partner to any major or minor. 

Wiener Staatsoper!

In den Bergen -- Salzburgerland

Our Wonderfrul Students in Salzburger Trachten!

German DVDs in our library -- great way to practice listening skills and fluency in German

Watching films is an excellent way to improve your listening skills and prepare your for conversations with native German and Austrian friends.  Check out a title that interests you!


Somewhere in the future there is a computer project ed Simulacron one of which is able to simulate a full featured reality, when suddenly project leader Henry Vollmer dies. His successor Dr. Fred Stiller experiences odd phenomena. A good friend, Guenther Lause, disappears in the middle of a conversation and a week later nobody has ever heard of him. And those fits of dizzyness - Stiller cannot believe himself to be fool. There has to be an explanation for all this. Could Simulacron have something to do with it?
The Allies ed him Garbo. The Nazis dubbed him Alaric. Both sides in World War II were sure Juan Pujol Garcia was their man. In reality, Pujol was a double agent, and his final allegiance was to the Allies. From the comfort of Lisbon, Garbo fed false information to the Nazis and fabricated a network of phantom agents across Europe. Although he never fired a single shot, Garbo helped to save thousands of lives, most notably by misinforming the Germans about the timing and location of D-Day.
In 1772 Germany, the young and tumultuous Johann Goethe aspires to be a poet. After failing his law exams, he is sent by his father to a sleepy provincial court to mend his ways. Unsure of his talent and eager to prove himself, Goethe soon wins the praise and friendship of his superior, Kestner. But then Lotte Buff enters his life and nothing is the same as before. However, the young lovers are unaware that her father has already promised Lotte’s hand to another man.
2012, c2010.
A German-born woman flees from her oppressive marriage in Istanbul, taking her son with her. She hopes to find a better life with her family in Berlin, but her unexpected arrival creates intense conflicts. Her family is trapped in their conventions. They are torn between their love for her and the traditional values of their community resulting in tragic consequences.
It is the Age of Plastic. It’s cheap, practical, and everywhere. But is it dangerous? Viewers are taken on a journey around the globe, from the Moroccan Sahara to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, from a factory in China to the Alps to reveal the far-flung reaches of the plastic problem. Interviews with experts in biology, pharmacology, and genetics shed light on the perils of plastic to the environment and expose the truth of how plastic affects the body, and the health of future generations.
"Breathtaking in its subtle beauty, Harvest is an achingly romantic tale of an innocent but increasingly passionate affair that develops between two simple farmhands. Life on a farm is all that sullen teen Marco knows-- leading a perfunctory and quiet life of working, going to school and avoiding the advances of girls. However, his self-imposed solitude ends when curly-haired Jakob, rejecting the banking world, arrives to train on the farm. Although initially cautious and tentative with each other, it is soon obvious that the unspoken sexual tension is becoming increasingly hard to resist-- something a spontaneous trip to Berlin resolves once and for all. Proving that true love can blossom in even the most unlikely of places, Harvest is as rich and rewarding as it is heart warming"--Container.
A passionate cyclist and urban slacker sees his life change in an instant when he loses his left leg. But through love, willpower, and introspection, he overcomes the challenge.
On a Berlin Summer day, a chance encounter brings together two young men whose lives are in shambles. Alex is coping with a broken heart after his deadbeat boyfriend cheats on him; Leo is a media professional who can no longer hide the truth from his demanding, long-term girlfriend: he’s been attracted to men all the while. So begins a summer of love and self-discovery for Alex and Leo. But before they can find bliss with each other, Alex must detach himself from his ex and Leo must unleash his inner lion to convince Alex’s oddball clique of friends that he’s a worth suitor.
In Paris, 1941, Armenian poet Missak Manouchian leads a motley crew of foreign-born resistance fighters in clandestine battle against the Nazi occupation. An initially reluctant Manouchian and his team must resort to guerilla tactics and radical measures in the name of liberty. News of their daring attacks, including the assassination of an SS general, eventually reaches Berlin.
More than any other historical documents, it is the personal private letters written by a people to ’their’ dictator, Adolf Hitler, that provide the most intimate glimpses of the history of the Third Reich. A cache of more than 100,000 such letters was recently found, hidden in a secret Russian archive.
2011, 2010.
At the end of WWII, 60 minutes of raw film in an East German archive was discovered. Shot by the Nazis in Warsaw in May of 1942, the film became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record of the Warsaw Ghetto. The later discovery of a long-missing reel, including multiple takes and cameramen staging scenes, complicated earlier readings of the footage. Presented is the raw footage in its entirety, falsely showing the ’good life’ of Jewish urbanites. Included is an interview, and more.
Sasha, confronted with the everyday prejudice of his homophobic immigrant family, struggles with his urge to come out. When his beloved piano teacher Gerbhard Weber plans to leave the city, the young man is heartbroken. The only person in whom he can confide his feelings is his best friend Jiao. After a failed audition, Sasha swears never to play piano again, but a consoling telephone  from Gerbhard changes his mind, and causes a chain of events.
"A young couple’s relationship is pushed to the brink while vacationing in the Mediterranean. On the surface, Chris and Gitti appear blissfully in love while enjoying the sun and sand of Sardinia. But as they spend more time together, their silly games and playful teasing begin to unmask hidden fears and desires. When they accidentally run into another, seemingly happier and more successful couple, the tensions between them erupt."--Container.
When Zinos hires a gourmet chef for his struggling restaurant, it drives away his low-life regulars. In the meantime, his girlfriend, Nadine, moves back to China, but a hip new clientele brings the restaurant back to life. When he goes to China to get Nadine back, he leaves the restaurant in the hands of his criminal brother. When Zinos discovers that Nadine has a new boyfriend, and his brother has gambled away his restaurant, he knows he must work with his brother if he is to get it back.
Germany in the 1970s: murderous bomb attacks, the threat of terrorism, and the fear of the enemy inside are rocking the very foundations of the still-fragile German democracy. The radicalized children of the Nazi generation, led by Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, and Gudrun Ensslin, are fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new face of fascism. The man who understands them is also their hunter, the head of the German police force, Horst Herold.
Tells the story of a German businessman who rescued more than 200,000 Chinese during the Nanking Massacre in China by courageously negotiating a safety zone to protect innocent civilians from the Japanese Army. Drawing from John Rabe’s 1937 diaries as source material, Florian Gallenberger has crafted a portrait of a man revered as a saint in China to this day and yet never rewarded for his courage during his lifetime.
Based on a real-life experiment that took place in California. A high school teacher’s unusual experiment to demonstrate to his students what life is like under a dictatorship spins horribly out of control when he forms a social unit with a life of its own.
Niko von Glasow looks for eleven people who, like him, were born disabled due to the disastrous side-effects of Thalidomide, and who are prepared to pose nude for a book of photos--to allow those who regularly throw furtive glances at Thalidomiders and other physiy disabled people, to take a good, long look. In the process, Niko discovers many fascinating characters who work in such diverse areas as politics, the media, sport, astrophysics and acting; extraordinary people who have learned to live with their disability to an impressive level of "normality".
In a north German village prior to the outbreak of World War I, strange events, accidents, and deaths are occurring. The village people are beside themselves with worry and can’t figure out what to do. After the school teacher starts to unravel the mystery, he discovers that the children of the town may be guilty of the crimes and have formed a secret society that the local pastor’s daughter appears to be the leader of.
"December 1944: Berlin lies in ruins and the war is as good as lost. Goebbels is convinced all the country needs is a re-energizing speech from the Führer. Adolf, however, is only a shadow of his former self; demoralized and depressed, he hides in his office. The only man who can help is Germany’s finest acting teacher, Adolf Grünbaum -a Jew."--Container.
Two years ago, world-famous dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch selected forty teenagers who had never heard her name to be part of her dance piece Contact Zone. For ten months through opening night, the young dancers discover Bausch’s genius and their own bodies.
Copenhagen, 1944. A young idealist codenamed Flame and tense family man Citron are two Resistance fighters who become the underground’s most proficient killers of collaborators and sympathizers. The Nazi SS is hunting them. They trust only each other. But in a time where fear and mercy must live in the shadows, a mysterious woman and a new assignment to assassinate the head of the Gestapo may lead them to the deadliest place of all. Based on the Holder Danske’s most famous agents.
Hannah Maynard, prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, is leading a trial against a former commander of the Yugoslavian National Army who is accused of the deportation and later killing of dozens of Bosnian-Muslim civilians. When a key witness commits suicide, it looks like the case will unravel, but Hannah refuses to give in. Hoping to uncover new findings, she travels to the witness’ burial in Sarajevo and meets his sister Mira, who she senses has much more to say than she is willing to admit. Despite threats of violence, Mira reluctantly agrees to testify at The Hague. She and Hannah must both risk life and limb to make it to the court, only to discover that there are traitors among their own ranks.
Olga is a nurse from the Ukraine who only knows poverty. She searches for a better life in the West. Paul is an unemployed security guard from Austria who travels to the East in search of the same. Both are looking for work, a new beginning, an existence, and life. Olga comes from a place where unremitting poverty is the order of the day. Paul comes from a place where unemployment doesn’t mean hunger, but a crisis of meaning and sense of uselessness. Both are struggling to believe in themselves and to find a meaning in life.
Based on a true story, a gripping adventure about a competition to climb the most dangerous rock face in the Alps, the north face of the Eiger. Set in 1936, Nazi propaganda urges German alpinists to conquer the mountain, and two reluctant young climbers, Toni and Andi, attempt a daring ascent, closely followed by two Austrian climbers. All goes well at first, but then the climbers lose their advantage over the mountain and the race against time and forces of nature begins.
In Vision-- from the LIfe of Hildegard von Bingen, New German Cineam auteur Margarethe von Trotta reunites with recurrent star Barbara Sukowa to bring the story of this extraordinary woman to life. In a staggering performance, Sukowa portrays von Bingen’s fierce determination to expand the responsibilities of women within the order, even as she fends off outrage from some in the Church over the visions she claims to receive from God.
Germany in the 1970s: Murderous bomb attacks, the threat of terrorism and the fear of the enemy inside are rocking the very foundations of the yet fragile German democracy. The radicalised children of the Nazi generation lead by Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof and Gudrun Ensslin are fighting a violent war against what they perceive as the new face of fascism: American imperialism supported by the German establishment, many of whom have a Nazi past. Their aim is to create a more humane society but by employing inhuman means they not only spread terror and bloodshed, they also lose their own humanity. The man who understands them is also their hunter: the head of the German police force Horst Herold. And while he succeeds in his relentless pursuit of the young terrorists, he knows he’s only dealing with the tip of the iceberg.
Women become the victims of the Red Army invasion in Berlin in 1945. One of them, Anonyma, a educated woman, decides to look for an officer who can protect her. A complex symbiotic relationship develops between her and Russian officer Andrej that will force them to remain enemies until the bitter end.
This is the love story of Pascal and Ricky. Pascal has been in a destructive violent relationship picking pockets for a living and he meets gentle shy Ricky at a street cafe.
Two best friends are forced to leave school and join the army for Hitler, and find themselves on opposite sides when one becomes an outstanding soldier and the other wonders why he is fighting a senseless war. Bonus features include biographies and a short film.
"Join battlefield historian Ellwood von Seibold in his 1943 Dodge Command car as he takes us on a tour of the American D-Day landings in real time. Llisten to the men who were there, land in Ste. Mère Eglise with the 92nd Airborne, scale the cliffs at La Pointe du Hoc with the Rangers, wade through the surf on Omaha Beach with the 29th Infantry Division and take the guns at Brecourt manor with Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. See the uniforms thy wore, the weapons they fired and the equipment they carried ... Revised edition includes new veteran interviews."--Container.
An overview of the worldwide political upheavals during the Sixties and Seventies. Interweaves footage from the Vietnam War and the antiwar protests in the U.S., May ’68 in Paris, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, Salvador Allende and the coup in Chile, Che Guevara and Regis Debray in Bolivia, the Shah of Iran, Fidel Castro, et alia. Contains official images, film clips, news coverage trims and neglected reels.
In a Mennonite community in Mexico, a man betrays his family by having an affair with another woman, which changes the course of events with both his wife and his mistress.
Nina is a vulnerable 17-year-old, alone in a world of social workers who run her life. She finds an ally in reckless Toni, a tough young woman who grabs what she wants to survive. Together they experience a fleeting moment of intimacy, an instant of happiness. Meanwhile, Francoise has returned to Berlin where her baby daughter was kidnapped many years previously. In the street she spots Nina and becomes convinced that she has found her long-lost child. Includes featurette and trailer.
Joseph Stalin - the supreme leader of the Soviet Union - was a tyrant responsible for the death of millions. He also had some unlikely relationships during the Second World War. This ambitious series uses exclusive evidence gained from the actual conversations and secret meetings Stalin conducted. Dramatic reconstructions carefully sourced from archive material, reveal how the great leaders decided the future shape of the post-war world. These decisions had immediate and often harrowing effects for those on the ground. Their story is told through documentary footage, dramatic reconstructions and illuminating interviews.
"In 1938, Hitler’s army occupied Austria. All men were ordered to enlist in the military. Franz Jägerstätter, a farmer and father of four, went into military training but refused to fight in Hitler’s army, knowing that he would face execution. His neighbors, pastor and even the bishop tried to convince Franz to enlist for the sake of his family. But Franz felt his faith and conscience compelled him to follow the teachings of God and not the decrees of the Third Reich. He was imprisoned, then executed on August 9, 1943 at the age of 36. In 2007, the Vatican declared Franz a true martyr, officially placing him in the process of sainthood"--Container.
"A handful of people separated by temperament, politics and geography are linked by a common dream of sharing their love for movies with the world in this documentary. Anup Jagdale is a movie buff in the Indian village of Shingnapur who has found a way to turn his hobby into a career by showing the latest Bollywood hits to eager audiences in an old circus tent. In the small town of Big Piney, Wyoming, Penny Tefertiller is a longtime community activist who also runs the Flick Theater, a converted barn where she brings entertainment to everyone from bored teenagers to lonely elders. North Korean Han Yong-sil wants to show movies that will deliver positive messages for women and working people, as well as providing a respite from the monotonal propaganda that dominates the North Korean media. And Lassane Badiel, Lamoussa Luc Kabore and Zakaria Gnegnie are film fans and entrepreneurs from Burkina Faso who take over a shuttered open-air theater to bring the movies to their West African village. While the common problems of booking the right movies and getting paying customers to show up are experienced everywhere, filmmaker Uli Gaulke demonstrates how the love of good movies fuels these six people and helps keep their dreams alive." -- Mark Deming, Allmovie.com.
In a ragged section of Vienna, hardened ex-con Alex works in a brothel, where he falls for Ukrainian hooker Tamara. Their desperate plans for escape unexpectedly intersect with the lives of a rural cop and his seemingly content wife.
Based on rare archives and previously unreleased interviews, this documentary traces the secret history of post-war Japan. It reveals the contradictions of a people still confronted with memories of the war and militarism, and the threats to the values of peace which are at the heart of its modern identity.
Only Trudi knows that her husband Rudi is suffering from a terminal illness. She decides not to tell him and convinces him to visit their family in Berlin. When Trudi dies suddenly, Rudi vows to make up for her lost life and takes his last journey to Tokyo in the midst of the cherry blossom festival.
Germany, 1936. Salomon "Sally" Sorowitsch is the king of counterfeiters. He lives a life of cards, booze, and women. Suddenly his luck runs dry when he is arrested by Superintendent Friedrich Herzog. He is immediately thrown into the Mauthausen concentration camp. There, Salomon exhibits exceptional skills and is soon transferred to the upgraded camp of Sachsenhausen. Upon his arrival, he once again comes face to face with Herzog, who is there on a secret mission. Hand-picked for his unique skill, Salomon and a group of professionals are forced to produce fake foreign currency under the program Operation Berhard. The team, which also includes detainee Adolf Burger, is given luxury barracks for their assistance. Salomon attempts to weaken the economy of Germany’s opponents. But, Adolf refuses to use his skills for Nazi profit and would like to do something to stop the operation. Now faced with a moral dilemma, Salomon must decide whether his actions are ultimately the right ones.
Six characters are drawn together by circumstances - an old man and a prostitute forging a partnership, a young scholar reconciling his past, two young women falling in love, and a mother putting the shattered pieces of her life back together.
A look at climbers Thomas and Alexander Huber as they attempt the speed rock-climbing record by scaling a portion of El Capitan in Yosemite Valley in less than three hours, something that normally takes 3 days.
Set during World War II, newlywed Lene must watch her new husband go off to war during the German invasion of Poland. She discovers that she is pregnant and is forced to take her child on a journey across the war-ravaged countryside. Lene is in turn brave and foolhardy, resourceful and resilient, facing a bleak future with fierce determination.
Beautiful and assured, Miriam seemingly has the perfect life. But when her 15-year-old son invites his girlfriend to spend the holidays, Miriam grows jealous of the girl’s brazen sensuality and becomes drawn into an extramarital affair with a charismatic stranger that threatens to tear her family apart, with possible devastating consequences.
Leo Kessler, an American of German descent, visits Germany in 1945. He works as a night conductor on the Zentropa Railway Line, owned by a Nazi sympathizer. Leo attempts to remain neutral to the ongoing purguing of loyalists by the Allied forces, but he falls in love with the railway magnate’s daughter.
Looks at the development of the Bauhaus and at the key figures involved in it, including the founder Walter Gropius, his successor Mies van der Rohe, Lásló Moholy-Nagy and Josef Albers. The program also sets the history of the Bauhaus in the context of the political unrest and economic chaos of the Weimar Republic in Germany. Former students discuss their time at the Bauhaus and architect Philip Johnson tells how it influenced his work. Contains rare archival footage of the Bauhaus at Dessau and looks at the architecture of Chicago, much influenced by Mies van der Rohe, who emigrated there after the Bauhaus was shut by the Nazis in 1933.
A rebellious young woman from a small Chinese town transplanted to a politically charged Beijing University. The country’s social turmoil is witnessed through its disaffected youth, whose newfound sexuality and activism culminate in violent suppression.
On August 20, 1965, after 20 months of proceedings, the verdict was announced in one of the most significant trials in German legal history. The court heard from 360 Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp survivors and other eyewitnesses from 19 countries, in a trial against 22 members of Hitler’s S.S. squad. The S.S. members were accused of taking part in the mass murder of millions. Explore the investigation, the courtroom drama and the verdict.
At six, Vitus is both incredibly talented and wonderfully precocious. When it becomes evident that he has an exceptionally high IQ and can play piano like a young Mozart, expectations run high. His parents love him, his grandfather understands him, but no one knows the truth - that his real genius is in his heart.
This 30-minute film is a visual interpretation of Goethe’s Faust part one. Puppetman Steven Ritz-Barr and award winning director Hoku Uchiyama team up to create their own inspired version of the fabled medieval scholar"--Container.
A 1984 East Berlin simple surveillance assignment: Capt. Gerd Wiesler, a Stasi officer and a specialist in surveillance, has been assigned to keep an eye on Georg Dreyman, a respected playwright, and his actress girlfriend, Christa-Maria Sieland. Though Dreyman is known to associate with blacklisted director Albert Jerska, a known dissident, Dreyman’s record is spotless. Wiesler discovers that Minister Hempf has an ulterior motive in spying on this seemingly upright citizen. Wiesler’s sympathies shift from the government to its people - or at least to this one particular person.
The Sissi collection  <DVD> 6.8/10, 6.2/10, 6.2/10
"At the age of seventeen, Romy Schneider became an international star through her portrayal of Princess Elisabeth (Sissi) of Austria in the first of three lavish films directed by Ernst Marischka"--Container.
"A historical collage about the German Democratic Republic (Communist East Germany), in the form of stories told by East Germans, both prominent and unknown." -- front of container.
"Maria Schell- a beautiful and talented girl born to an exceptional family of artists, a renowned actress and darling of the public- enjoyed an unparalleled career for a German speaking actress. Despite a glamorous acting career with over seventy feature film appearances alongside such legends as Oskar Werner, Gary Cooper and Marcello mastroianni, and numerous awards and nominations, Maria Schell’s life was filled with romances, loneliness, unrequited love, disappointments, debts, depression, suicide attempts, and an unwillingness to grow old gracefully. Her brother and confidant, actor/director/co-writer Maximilian Schell, blends interviews with staged scenes in this examination of their personal relationship, expressing his great respect for her lifework and the regret he felt at her later failures"--Container.
College freshman Michaela suffers a breakdown that looks less like her diagnosed condition of epilepsy than a form of demonic possession. Seeking a priest’s aid, Michaela enters a very personal Hell while her family watches in horror.
A look at the life of Marine Lance Cpl. José Antonio Gutierrez, a "green-card soldier" (i.e. non-U.S. citizen member of the U.S. Armed Forces) who was the first American soldier killed in the Iraq War.
Das Fräulein : Ana, a new employee in Reza’s cafeteria, has high spirits that thaws Reza’s joyless life in Zurich.
In a series of 22 tableaux set on a soundstage, Syberberg makes use of puppets, props, a Wagnerian soundtrack, and rear-screen projection to evoke Nazi Germany, the orgins of the Third Reich, and the aftermath that followed.
"The adventures of two hapless used-car dealers who take a vintage limousine to German market tests their friendship and brings up unexpected emotions about the Jewish past in Germany. This offbeat, funny and touching buddy movie, starring Israel’s top comedians Avi Kushner and Moshe Ivgi, is a road trip from hell that should not be missed."--www.sisuent.com.
Follows players on the 2006 German national soccer team from training through the FIFA World Cup tournament. The 18th staging of the World Cup was held June 9-July 9, 2006. Host team Germany defeated Portugal to finish third (in the final, Italy won the Cup over France).
2007, c2006.
Based on the true story of three armies in the bloody trenches of World War I and the miraculous Christmas Eve truce they unexpectedly forge.
Story of Franz Biberkof, a former transportation worker. When we first see Franz, he has just been released from prison where he has served four years for an irrational act of violence. He returns to his Berlin neighborhood resolved to go straight but forces in his environment, the influences of his cronies, the grinding poverty, the decay of society overwhelm him and he begins his duel with fate.
The clash of communist and capitalist ideologies in Germany since reunification is represented in the meeting of Hamburg real estate developer Martin Barwald and farmer (and former communist youth leader) Anna Endrich.
A collection of short films nominated for the 78th Annual Academy Awards, including the winning live action short and the winning animated short.
Heinz Bösel, a rude, uncommunicative slob and Kurt Fellner, a very talkative, pushy Yuppie-type, do not care for each other but are forced to work together travelling across the Austrian countryside inspecting hotels and inns. Eventually, the two become friends.
A teenage Jewish boy from Budapest finds himself in turmoil as Hitler’s Final Solution becomes policy throughout Europe. Taken from his family and sent to a concentration camp, his existence becomes a surreal adventure in adversity in order to survive.
"Fariba, persecuted in Iran because of her love for another woman, assumes the identity of a man to gain temporary asylum in Germany. She takes an illegal factory job where fellow worker Anne takes an interest i the strange foreigner. As the two become close, Anne begins to suspect Fariba’s true identity- and both women face danger when authorities tell Fariba she must return to Iran"--Container.
"Part 1: Festival of the Nations Riefenstahl shot a documentary that celebrates the human body by comgining the poetry of bodies in motion with close-ups of athletes in the heat of competition. Includes Jesse Owen’s sprint races at the 1936 Olympic games and Adolf Hitler looking on in amazement as Owens wins an unprecedented four Gold Medals. Part 2: Festival of Beauty Riefenstahl captures the grace of the athletes during field hockey, soccer, bicycling, equestrian, acquatic and gymanstic events. Highlights are the Pentathlon and the Decathlon, which was won by American Glenn Morris; it ends with the triumphant conclusion of the games"--Container.
During WW II, young German boys of privilege or exceptional ability come to special academies to be trained as future leaders in the Nazi party. In one such Napola, Friedrich, a working-class 17 year old with exceptional boxing prowess, becomes friends with Albrecht, the Governor’s son, a sensitive young writer opposed to Nazi ideology and the war. Before long, Friedrich must choose between his own bright future in the Third Reich and Albrecht’s moral imperative.
In Bordeaux, France, in the early 1800’s, Goya suffers from strange visions and nightmares. Goya reflects on his tumultuous career: a love affair with the beautiful Duchess of Alba and the evil crusade of Napoleon’s French army.
"One of the most ciritiy acclaimed films of the year, Head-On follows two young Turkish-Germans who are forced into a marriage of conveniece which ultimately blossoms into a bond of mutual admiration. Erotiy charged, darkly funny, Head-On is a journey you won’t forget"--Container.
"In this ’bruising, moving Altmanesque drama’ (Time Out New York), writer/director Barbara Albert passionately explores the intersection of chance and fate as the seemingly unrelated residents of a suburban Austrian community become linked by a chain of circumstances"--Container.
Le Tour de France is the toughest bicycle race of all. This film shows the torture and the pain, the fear and the courage of the riders on the Tour. It also showcases the supporting casts of managers, masseurs, fans, and more.
"Eyal is a top assassin in the Israeli secret service. He has killed terrorists before, but this time hs is sent to eliminate an aging former Nazi war criminal. During his mission, Eyal meets his targets granddaughter and grandson, who inadvertently help him uncover his own troubled history and face his demons while they discover the ugly truth their family has hidden from them for decades"--Container
"...Downfall takes you into Hitler’s bunker during the brutal and harrowing last days of the Third Reich. Seen through the eyes of Hitler’s infamous secretary Traudl Junge, optimism crumbles into grim realization and terror as it becomes clear that Germany’s defeat is inevitable. As the Russian army circles the city, the dimly lit halls of the underground refuge become an execution chamber for the Fuhrer and his closest advisors"--Container.
The hypnotic oratory of Adolf Hitler is the highlight of this program, which presents four featurettes originally produced during the Nazi era; One of Hitler’s first open air public addresses to be recorded on synchronized-sound film shows him appealing for German unity at an election rally in 1932 (14 min.); The Nazi leader honored comrades fallen in the party’s abortive 1923 attempt to seize power by his staging of annual processions in Munich every November 9th (7 min.), One of Hitler’s last bloodless conquests was the take-over of Austria in March 1938. Hitler’s public address in Vienna and the attending ceremonies including a parade of the regiment Leibstandarte as well as Austrian army units are reproduced froman original German newsreel of the time (4 min.); February 18th, 1943, Nazi leader Goebbel’s most famous speech, in which he asks his Berlin Sportspalast audience "Do you want a total war?" is recorded in the Nazi’s ownnewreel coverage. (6 min.) (German with English subtitles).
The story of the surviving members of the Viennese Hakoah sports club women’s swim team, a world-dominating competitor in the 1930s. The club was eventually shut down during Hitler’s reign, though all the women managed to escape capture. Combines historical footage and contemporary interviews to reconnect the women’s lives and memories.
"In the cold Berlin winter of 1943, hundreds of women stood and waited, in defiance of the Nazis. While countless Jews were being sent to concentration camps for execution, Jewish husbands of Aryan wives suffered a different fate; they were separated from their families and imprisoned in a factory on a street named Rosenstrasse. On that street these women stood in protest, in the name of love until they were reunited with their men"--Container.
[2005], c2003.
When renowned director Werner Herzog and fellow filmmaker Zak Penn set off to explore the legend of Scotland’s Loch Ness monster, they uncover much more than they bargained for. Unexplained sightings of the creature and chaos among the crew create an uneasy feeling that things aren’t what they seem. But what really happened on the infamous lake remains a mystery. Poses the provocative question-- where does myth end and reality begin?
"The film depicts the last six days (February 17-22, 1943) in the life of Sophie Scholl from her own perspective: that of a courageous and vibrant young woman who is willing to face death for her belief in her ideals and those of the White Rose, an underground resistance movement to which she belongs. Through their resistance and protest against the Nazi regime, Sophie and her fellow members of the White Rose become synonymous with civil courage and a peaceful struggle against the rule of violence and oppression."--Container.
"...director Volker Schlondorff creates a moral thriller that ’succeeds in illuminating an almost unimaginably dark story.’ Inspired by the true tale of a dissident priest’s temporary furlough from Dachau, The Ninth Day transforms an ethical crisis into a nail biting showdown and unspeakable guilt into transcendent redemption"--Container.
Schultze is a recently retired miner who, like his father before him, entertains polka audiences with his accordion. When he discovers the fiery energy of Zydeco music on his radio, the rigid monotony of his daily routine takes a spicy turn. Schultze learns to play his accordion with a new snap and style. His new-found fascination ultimately leads him on a life-changing journey to the Louisiana delta.
"Directed by controversial Austrian filmmaker Ulrich Seidl, this ’deeply moving documentary of Catholics at prayer’ consists of successive cinematic tableaux comprised of individual confessions made inside empty churches. Separated by nothing but choral music and brief takes from the lives of the interviewed subjects, these spoken confessions combine the invisibility of direct cinema with abrupt first-person interviews. Although registered by the camera, the confessions are invariably addressed to the divine and are uncomfortably intimate"--Container.
In an ominous fortress perched high above the clouds, everything seems in order for a reposing 24 hours. It is the spring of 1942 in Germany and Eva Braun is the only voice that dares contradict the Fuhrer. Eva is caught up in the complexities of a man incapable of human intimacy, making her as volcanic as her beloved Hitler
Christa Klages is a young mother distraught at the prospect that her day care center is running out of money. With her lover, Werner, and another friend, she robs a bank. The friend is captured and Werner is killed while eluding the police, so Christa flees with her friend, Ingrid, who helps Christa escape to Portugal.
Two sisters share a complex and compelling relationship. Anna seems dependent, emotionally and economiy, on Maria. Successive inward turns of the screw, however, make it unclear who exploits and dominates whom.
Chronicles the friendship between two very different women. One is a lecturer in literature and separated from her stage director husband, and the other is the shy wife of a well-known peace expert. As the two women become closer, their husbands become annoyed at their own loss.
"Jan and Peter are the best friends behind the radical and mysterious group The Edukators, united by their passions to change the world ... When the rich go on vacation, The Edukators break into their homes. They don’t steal, but simply re-arranging everything, leaving the message ’Your days of plenty are numbered.’ When Peter’s girlfriend Jule moves in, she joins them in their subversive activities. But when a rich businessman catches them in the act, they rashly decide to kidnap him. Faced with the values of the generation in power, they will see what kind of revolutionaries they are, if their friendship can survive, and discover if they truly work in the interest of the greater good, or just in their own self-interest"--Container.
Young poet Friedrich Schiller flees from the elite academy of Prince Carl Eugen to become an acclaimed theater writer in Mannheim. But the influence of Carl Eugen reaches farther than Schiller thought.
"Danzig, 1924. Oskar Matzerath is born with an intellect beyond his infancy. As he witnesses the hypocrisy of adulthood and the irresponsibility of society, Oskar rejects both, and, on his third birthday, refuses to grow. Caught in a baffling state of perpetual childhood, Oskar lashes out at all he surveys with piercing screams and frantic poundings on his tin drum, while the unheeding, chaotic world marches onward to the madness and folly of World War II." -- Container.
Daniel, a young teacher, decides to spend his summer at home in Hamburg. At the local flea market, he meets Juli, who is immediately attracted to him, a fact to which Daniel seems oblivious. On the same day, Daniel meets Melek, a young Turkish girl, with whom he is immediately smitten. Ignoring his earlier plans, he sets out in pursuit of her across the Balkans. Along the way he picks up a hitchhiker, who just happens to be Juli.
Alex’s proud, socialist mother falls into a coma for eight months. When she wakes, her heart is weak, so Alex has to keep the secret that the Berlin Wall has fallen and capitalism has triumphed. What begins as a little white lie turns into a major scam.
Through six intertwined narratives, Austrian director Ulrich Seidel weaves together extravagantly sordid tales of everyday people in suburban Austria during a heat wave.
An affair between the second in line to Britain's throne (Franco) and the princess of the feuding Irish (Myles) spells doom for the young lovers.
Hundreds of years after humans have settled on Mars, Regulator Rogul and Lord Jens Maul lead a force of Martians to Earth in order to conquer the planet. Queen Metaphor looks to the gay heroes aboard the spaceship Surprise -- Captain Kork, Mr. Spuck, and first engineer Schrotty, for help.
The film depicts this society’s grinding down of Daniel Brenner, an idealistic architect in his late thirties. Daniel, like many others of his generation, is deeply frustrated by life under the old Communists but somehow tolerates it. Hired to design a miniature city on the fringes of Berlin, he fools himself into thinking that he can counteract the prevailing gloom with a cheerier, more innovative approach.
"A porno-political-palooza that makes quick work of the phenomenon of ’terrorist chic,’ the people who emulate terrorists without necessarily understanding the moral implications of what terrorism actually means." -- Container.
"When the object of his affection off-handedly commented, ’too bad you’re not a girl’ Erwin disappeared to Casablanca and returned as Elvira. Now, adrift and alone amid the maze of streets of Frankfurt, Elvira revisits the people and places of his past."--Container.
Opera singers
[2004?], c1995.
The filmmaker looks at European colonialism in Africa through the lens of Christian evangelism as the model for the relationship between Africa and western countries today. The history of German missionaries in Namibia in the 19th and 20th centuries is discussed by African and German historians and theologians, revealing how colonialism destroyed African beliefs and social systems and replaced them with European ones.
Summer, 1954. The Soviet Union is sending its prisoners of war home. Among them is the father of a quiet, football-loving 11-year-old, Matthias, who lives with his mother, sister and brother in a West-German mining town. The boy has long found a surrogate father in the local football player Helmut Rahn, who has "adopted" Matthias as his mascot. The return of the boy’s father Richard casts a shadow over the once-happy family: broken by his years in captivity, Richard has trouble adapting to life in post-war Germany and alienates his family through his severity. For Richard, football is pointless, and so is the World Cup that’s about to be held in Bern, Switzerland. Matthias, however, longs to be there with his idol, who’s been chosen to play on the German team. Through his passion for the game and his fighting spirit, Matthias rekindles a love of life in his dad’s heart. And so, as the final match of the World Cup begins, a little miracle of love and generosity leaps across borders to help another miracle occur - the victory of Helmut Rahn and the German team, the miracle of Bern.
Martha is the chef who fusses and obsesses over each dish before it leaves the kitchen. The demands of her job and her natural shyness keep her from meeting new people. When her sister suddenly dies, Martha adopts Lina, her eight-year-old niece, completely changing both lives. Martha gets unexpected help from Mario, Martha’s hunky new sous chef, who is not only a whiz on the chopping block but knows sundry magic tricks and jokes to keep Lina’s spirits afloat. Just as Martha starts to grow attached to the girl, Lina’s erratic father shows up demanding that he take her back to Italy with him.
[2003], c2001.
In the period of several days, Katharina’s privacy and her honor are destroyed, first by the police who terrorize her, and then by the yellow press, which creates in her name the image of a politicized Bonnie Parker.
"Based on the autobiography of Solomon Perel, a young German Jew ... puts you in the middle of war-torn Europe where ingenuity, timing and luck are the key to survival. Separated from his family at the age of thirteen, Solly (Marco Hofschneider) takes on various identities to hide his Jewish heritage. First passing himself off as an orphan and later as one of the ’Hitler Youth,’ Solly carries on his charade, hoping desperately to keep his identity hidden...and make it through the war alive"--Container.
The life of Goethe is presented through the use of letters, memoirs, rare manuscripts, paintings, etc. Part 1 relates his youth, which brought him the first great success with the novel "The Sufferings of young Werther." Part 2 describes his first years in Weimar and his stay in Italy. And finally Part 3 presents the classic writer who, in addition to many other literary and scientific works finished "Faust," which he had begun in his early youth.
"A series devoted to the most ambitious architectural creations of the 19th and 20th century, consisting of remarkable archive material, scale-models, and interviews with some of the greatest architects of our time"--Container.
In 1978 Rainer Werner Fassbinder embarked upon a project to trace the history of postwar Germany in a series of films told through the eyes of 3 remarkable women. The 3 films would garner him the international acclaim for which he had always yearned and place his name foremost in the canon of New German Cinema.
Follows photojournalist James Nachtwey to hot spots including Kosovo, West Bank, and Indonesia, as he searches for a picture he thinks he can publish. A film about a committed, shy man, considered to be the most important war photographer of our time.
Five years after unification, Germany is emerging as Europe’s most powerful country. This film depicts the challenges it is facing through interviews with individuals and families from both former East and West Germany, as well as with public officials and experts, including German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
2003, c1995.
Goethe’s tragic tale of young Werther, who in a series of letters to his friend Wilhelm, details his tragic love for Lotte, who is married to his friend Albert.
This documentary focuses on the trafficking in women in Bosnia, many from the Ukraine and Moldova, who have been promised real jobs but end up as prostitutes. What the United Nations and its representatives have done and should do to help these women is covered.
"When young Florya willingly joins a group of Partisans fighting the Nazis in Byelorussia, USSR, he little suspects that he is plunging through the looking glass. Separated from his comrades during a paratroop attack and struck deaf by German artillery, Florya-- in the company of Glascha, a beguiling peasant girl-- wanders a battle-scorched Russian purgatory of prehistoric forests and man-made slaughter. Florya’s journey takes him and us through a gallery of exquisitely poetic imagery and brutal human atrocity"--Container.
"In 1942 Traudl Junge was an apolitical 22-year-old chosen froma clerical pool to work as one of Adolf Hitler’s private secretaries. Working day-in, day-out for Hitler, Junge viewed him as a surrogate father figure, private and polite, nothing like the crazed rhetorician of his speeches. Shielded from the knowledge of Hitler’s acts of atrocity and convinced she was in the center of information, she was actually in a blind spot. As the Nazi regime teetered on destruction and Hitler plunged further into madness, Junge witnessed everything up to the final chaotic days in the bunker"--Container.
A tragicomedy about love, friendship, betrayal, manipulation and lies. Deals with the conflicts of Yugoslav history of the past fifty years. The story starts from an underground manufacture of weapons of Belgrade, during WWII. The black marketeer who smuggles the weapons to partisans forgets to mention to the workers that the war is over, and they keep producing. 50 years later, they become suspicious, and break out of their underground "shelter"--Only to convince themselves that the guy was right: the war is still going on.
"Spanning two continents, it’s the true tale of a Jewish attorney and him family who flee the Nazi regime in 1938 for a remate farm in Kenya. As the war rages on the other side of the world, his relationships with his wife and daughter become increasingly complicated: they struggle between resisting and embracing their new life, while reaching out to each other"--Container.
The internationally renowned Mozart interpreter Sir Colin Davis conducts the chorus and orchestra of the Royal Opera House in David McVicar’s production of Mozart’s last opera recorded live at Covent Garden with Simon Keenleyside and Dorthea Rochmman.
A romantic fantasy about an angel who wishes he were mortal and is willing to fall from the sky if it means a chance to fall in love. Set in modern day Berlin, the film follows angel Damiel’s path from heavenly flight to earthly delight in a manner that’s comical, touching and entertaining.
When shy, beautiful Sissi is the victim of a horrible car accident, a handsome small-time criminal comes to the rescue and saves her life. Once she recovers, she sets out to find him and discovers that he is a violent man with a conflicted past and dangerous future. It doesn’t take long for the two to meet again - during a deadly bank robbery. Now it is her turn to save his life.
[2002], c2000.
Historian Klaus Müller interviews survivors of the Nazi persecution of homosexuals.
Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer who carries on a melodrama of erotic attractions with two other women in her claustrophobic apartment.
A gay lower-class carnival performer known as Fox the Talking Head, strikes it rich by winning a lottery. He then has an ill-fated romance with an elegant upper-class lover who schemes to take away his newfound money.
Jonathan Harker, against the wishes of his wife, departs on a journey over the Carpathian Mountains to arrange a real estate transaction for Count Dracula, with tragic results.
In part one, Siegfried wins the hand of Kriemhilde by slaying the dragon and defeating Brunhilde. When Brunhilde learns that magic has been used to conquer her, she has Siegfried murdered. In part two, Kriemhilde seeks revenge for Siegfried’s death and marries Attila, king of the Huns, in order to further her purpose.
Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to finance his tribe’s new saloon. Unfortunately Santa Maria, who sold the saloon, betrays Abahachi, takes the money and leaves. Soon, the Shoshones are on the warpath to get their money back, and Abahachi is forced to organize it quickly. Luckily, he, his twin brother Winnetouch, beautiful dancer Uschi and the Greek Dimitri each own a quarter of a treasure map that leads them to ’the shoe of Manitu’. There, Santa Maria already awaits them to take their new treasure away as well. But he did not think about the determination of Abahachi’s team. Written by Julian Reischl
A band of Spanish conquistadors, led by Pizarro, go up the Amazon in search of gold. As the soldiers battle starvation, Indians, the forces of nature and each other, Don Lope de Aguirre (the self-styled "Wrath of God") is consumed by visions of conquering all of South America and leads a revolt, but Aguirre’s megalomania turns the expedition into a death trip.
"Franz Woyzeck is a hapless, hopeless soldier, alone and powerless in society, assaulted from all sides by forces he cannot control. Abused and tortured, both physiy and psychologiy by commanding officers, doctors and his unfaithful wife, Marie, Woyzeck struggles to hold on to his humanity and his fragile sanity. In the film’s shattering climax, he is finally driven over the brink into madness and murder."--Container.
Francisco Manoel da Silva, 19th century, gun-toting Brazilian bandit known as the Cobra Verde, is unknowingly hired by the owner of a sugar plantation to keep his slaves in check, but instead, the Cobra manages to sleep with the landowner’s daughters and impregnate them. In revenge, the owner sends the Cobra on a dangerous mission to sail to the West coast of Africa and reopen the slave trade, and the Cobra wages war with a local tribal king.
"My Best Friend is a film about the love-hate relationship between director Werner Herzog and actor Klaus Kinski- utterly puzzling to others. It reveals the deep trust between two exceptional artists and their independently and simultaneously hatched plans to murder one another"--Container.
Story of a man obsessed with a dream to build his own personal opera house in a remote Peruvian town.
2002, c1981.
"Siddhartha is the story of a young Brahmin who leaves his wealthy parents to become a sadhu, a wandering ascetic. Siddhartha meets and is awed by the Buddha, but chooses to follow his own path"--Container.
A remake of the film of the same title produced by Fritz Lang in 1933. Criminal mastermind Dr. Mabuse hypnotizes the director of an insane asylum and has him commit a series of intricate crimes in order to maintain his underworld empire.
"Tom Ripley (Dennis Hopper) is an American sociopath who sells forged paintings in Germany. Jonathan Zimmermann (Bruno Ganz) is an idealistic art restorer dying from a rare blood disease. But when Ripley arranges for the desperate family man to carry out a high-paying mob hit, the two forge an uneasy bond steeped in deceit, corruption and cold-blooded murder..."--Container.
The story encompasses the gruesome detail, horror, passion, and torment that characterized works of the German Expressionist movement. Wozzeck is an impoverished soldier driven insane by his manipulative superiors and his mistress’ infidelity. In a jealous rage, he stabs her, then drowns when he tries to wash the blood from his hands.
Against the background of the East German society’s prejudice against homosexual relationships, Philip, a high school teacher with a pregnant girl friend, discovers he loves Matthias.
This video is the adaptation of the Glyndebourne Festival Opera stage production of the Gershwins’ classic musical drama Porgy and Bess, which portrays the lives of the occupants of Catfish Row.
Martin has a brain tumor with no hope for a cure and Rudi is dying of bone cancer. They decide to leave the hospital, in order to take advantage of the short time left to them to live out their lives--with intensity, passion and craziness. First the steal a big car. What they do not know is that there are a million marks in the trunk, which belong to the gangster Frankie. In the belief that they have no money, they rob a bank, whereupon they are now being chased by Frankie and the police.
During World War II and the Nazi occupation of Czechoslavakia, a couple, Josef and Marie, decide to hide a young Jewish neighbor in their small apartment. They keep getting a visit from their neighbor, Horst, who is a German sympathizer and has his eye on Marie. When she rejects his advances he seeks revenge by trying to move a Nazi clerk into their home, forcing the couple to tell a lie that will change their lives forever.
c2001, c2000.
"They were billed as the ’Olympics of Peace and Joy’ but became the Olympics of terror--Munich 1972. An extreme Palestinian group ed Black September held 11 Israeli athletes hostage in the Olympic village while the world looked on, incredulous. Using extraordinary archive footage, music and interviews with those who took part (including the only surviving member of the Black September group), "One day in September" tells the dramatic story of what happened in Munich during those 21 hours."--Container.
"Fresh from the triumphant releases of Nosferatu and The Last Laugh, F.W. Murnau was given carte blanche to direct this epic fable of the supernatural. Freed from the burden of plausibility by the story’s fantastic permise, Murnau summoned forth a tempest of cinematic brimstone so that every scene ripples with reckless imagery. Using the full resources of the UFA Studios...Faust captures the intensity of a medieval universe steeped in religious fanaticism and pagan alchemy"--Container.
Through interviews with participants and newsreel footage, examines the occupation of France by the Germans during World War II as it occurred in the French city of Clermont-Ferrand. Concentrates on the themes of collaboration and resistance.
"Leni Riefenstahl’s classic piece of historical filmmaking, filmed during the 1934 Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg, Germany, is considered by many to be one of themost important and controversial films ever made"--Container.
c2001, 2000.
"After being released from prison, Berlin street musician Bruno Stroszek finds himself lost in a world where he simply doesn’t belong. So, along with his prostitute girlfriend and an eccentric neighbor, Stroszek moves to America, ..."--Container.
This political thriller, set in the final years of the Cold War, recounts the struggles of a young West German woman member of a terrorist group (loosely based on the real Baader-Meinhof gang). When the group disbands, she goes into hiding with an invented identity in East Germany. She struggles with the realities of a Communist state while keeping the distant ideal of socialism.
The Marshallin is romantiy involved with young Octavian, but realizes she will have to surrender him to a younger woman. When Baron Ochs von Lerchenau arrives seeking an envoy to Sophie, the young woman he loves, the Marshallin suggests Octavian.
"Emil Jannings, the quintessential German expressionist actor, stars as Professor Immanuel Rath, the sexually-repressed instructor of a boys prep school. After learning of the pupils’ infatuation with French postcards depicting a local nightclub songstress, he decides to personally investigate the source of such indecency. But as soon as he enters the shadowy Blue Angel nightclub and steals one glimpse of the smoldering Lola-Lola (Marlene Dietrich), commanding the stage in a top hat, stockings and bare thighs, Rath’s self-righteous piety is crushed"--Container.
Documentary film that follows friends Jan Wiener and Arnošt Lustig on a trip to Europe in 1998. Holocaust survivors, Wiener and Lustig met in the United States, where both had fled from communist Czechoslovakia. The trip recreates the journey made by Wiener as he escaped from Nazi occupied Prague, through Slovenia and Italy, on his way to joining the British Royal Air Force before his return to Prague after World War II.
"Franz Jägerstätter, the only Catholic layman who was a formal conscientious objector to entering into Hitler’s German Army and who was legally executed for his refusal on August 9, 1943, is to be Beatified as a martyr (the step before Canonization in the Catholic Church) on October 26 of this year by the decision of Pope Benedict XVI. The best biography of Franz and the spiritual and emotional struggles he went through to make his decision is the book that first revealed this unknown Austrian farmer to the world, In Solitary Witness by Gordan [sic] Zahn. In the 1970s a movie was made for Austrian television on his life based on Gordon’s book and other materials that had come to light..."--Container.
[between 2000 and 2007]
A collection of six short, award-winning films and excerpts from three others plus miscellaneous filmwork.
[2000], c1999.
"Franz Woyzeck is a hapless, hopeless soldier, alone and powerless in society, assaulted from all sides by forces he cannot control. Abused and tortured, both physiy and psychologiy by commanding officers, doctors and his unfaithful wife, Marie, Woyzeck struggles to hold on to his humanity and his fragile sanity. In the film’s shattering climax, he is finally driven over the brink into madness and murder."--Container.
When Cassiel, an angel, decides to become human and experience life in post-cold war Berlin, he becomes unknowingly involved in the city’s crime world.
Since the earliest days in her childhood, Lara has had a difficult but important task. Both her parents are deaf-mute, and Lara has to translate from sign-language to the spoken word and vice versa when her parents want to communicate with other people. Getting older and more mature, she becomes interested in music and starts to play the clarinet very successfully. Since her parents are deaf, they cannot share Lara’s musical career. The day comes when Lara has to decide between her parents and her own ambitions.
"From Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused) comes another smartly observed tale of young people at a crossroads. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy play twentysomethings who meet on a train in Europe, sense a connection and explore after-hours Vienna together. The people, places and allure of the city becom their sudden itineraries. Love is their destination. On the way there’s the mutual sharing of hopes, jokes, dreams, worry and wonder. It’s a day to linger in their memories. And a valentine to young love forever"--Container.
Susanne is a concentration camp survivor who, despite unspeakable experiences, is filled with a new desire to live. She wants to move back into her apartment in war-torn Berlin where Hans has taken up residence. He is a former officer and surgeon in the German army who finds himself unable to deal with the haunting memories of his role in the war. Through Susanne’s caring, this broken man gathers new strength and courage, but he realizes he cannot avoid the shadows of his past.
A thrilling post-MTV, roller-coaster ride about two star-crossed lovers who have only minutes to change the course of their lives. Time is running out: Lola has just received a frantic  from her boyfriend Manni, who’s accidentally lost a small fortune he was to deliver to his mobster boss. If they cannot find a way to replace the money within twenty minutes, Manni will surely suffer severe consequences.
The tale of Katerina Ismailova, who is trapped in a loveless marriage. The action takes place in Mtsensk immediately before the Russian Revolution of 1917. In the tradition of "Anna Karenina" and "Madame Bovary," Katerina’s fatalistic pursuit of passion has disastrous results.
[1999], c1992.
M  <DVD> 8.5/10
A psychopathic murderer of young girls terrorizes a German city causing public hysteria and intense police investigations, which in turn disrupts organized crime. The contrasting worlds of the police and the underworld are juxtaposed as they both resolve to hunt, capture, and try the murderer.
Opera Singers
"Michael Haneke’s controversial thriller watches an affluent couple, their child and dog as they arrive at their lakeside vacation home. Settling into their holiday routine, the family is visited by a pair of clean-cut young men in tennis whites and gloves, who inexplicably turn ruthless and brutal, forcing the family into playing their ’funny games.’"--Container.
This film depicts two journeys. The first is that of a group of wealthy bourgeois German, Italian and American tourists on a luxury cruise up the mysterious Sepik River, in the jungles of Papua New Guinea-- the packaged version of a "heart of darkness." The second journey (the real text of the film) is a metaphysical one. It is an attempt to discover the place of "the Other" in the popular imagination. It affords a glimpse at the real (mostly unconsidered or misunderstood) reasons why "civilized" people wish to encounter the "primitive."